Orders can sometimes take 1-3 business days to process after placing the order before shipping out.
We have multiple fulfillment centers located in the United States, China and Canada. After your order is complete, it takes us 1-3 days to process your order and get it ready for the shipping center. Shipping is also based depending on your location, please expect 7- 21 business days after order processing to receive your package depending on your location and shipping option.
Preparing for Shipment: This means we’re currently processing and packing the goodies for your pet. You’ll receive an email to let you know we received your order. When your order ships, we’ll send another email with tracking information.
Shipped: Your order has left our warehouse. Within 24 to 48 hours, you will also see a link to track your package or you can track your order here.
Delivered: Your order has arrived! Orders will be delivered to you soon.
If you need help canceling your order, please contact us with your order number. We will resolve it as quickly as possible so that your experience is simple and worry-free. If we have already processed your order, we may not be able to cancel it. In that case, we will issue you a refund. We also accept returns within 30 days of purchase.
Orders are prepared and shipped out during normal work hours as soon as payment has been approved by the payment gateway. This normally occurs within a 24 hour period. However delays relating to transport/freight we have no control over. If you think your order has been delayed, please contact us ASAP.
If you received a defective product, please email us with your order number / the name used when you place the order and photos of the defects to support@petfinds.com.au. We will issue a refund or arrange for a replacement immediately after confirming the defects.
We aim to process returns within 30 - 60 working days of receiving them. You will be notified by email once the return is complete. We suggest you make a note of the shipping reference given when you sent the item back. This will allow you to track your parcel at every stage of delivery, including when we receive it. Should you have any queries about your return, please feel free to contact our Customer Service team via email